Reading Challenge

The most important homework you can do is to read every day. Parents are asked to note pages read in the Reading Record book sent home at the start of each new year. Please add comments on your child's enjoyment of the book. 

Older children should be encouraged to read independently, but it remains important that they read every day.

Literacy Homework

Children in KS1 & 2 are provided with a work book to structure their homework. Exercises for the children to complete at home will include punctuation, spelling and grammar that become increasingly challenging each year.


The children in years 2-6 also bring home spellings each week. Children in Year 1 are encouraged to learn 'tricky words' that do not easily fit into a phonetic approach to spelling.  Spellings are tested each week. 

You can assist by helping your child find an effective way of learning his/her spellings. Give them as much encouragement as possible. Look say cover write check. 

Times Tables

Children are expected to have memorised all times tables up to 12x12 by the end of Year 4. They will be given specific tables to learn each year to build up this instant recall, starting in Year 2 with 2x, 5x and 10x.  Constant practice at home will really help children achieve this aim and Y2- Y5 will have weekly tables tests.

Don't forget to mix up the order of the tables, and to ask questions in different ways, such as "how many sevens are there in 42?" 

Mathematics Homework

Children in Y1-Y6 will be given a mathematics workbook. Teachers will ask children to complete specific pages each week that link to the topic being studied in class at that time. 

Homework in the Early Years

In reception, along with daily reading, teachers will suggest a Family Learning Task that parents and children can complete together in the Family Learning Book. These tasks are optional, but can be lot of fun!


Give your child lots of praise!