
Handball Festival

The Owls are getting ready for a Handball Festival with other schools this month. We are really enjoying learning and practising this game! Click to enlarge the pictures.

World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day with awesome costumes of favourite book characters. Here are just some of us in our costumes! Click to enlarge the pictures.

River Survey at Brockhill Park

Team Owls went to Brockhill Country Park on a geography field trip. We carried out an investigation measuring the speed of the river, learnt lots about the park, built dams in the river, and engaged in games and activities to do with being eco-aware.

Plant Cuttings

Class Worship

This week, Owls performed the class worship we have been preparing. It was on the theme of ‘Prayers for around the World’. We began by looking at what the Bible tells us about how we should behave for our world.  In groups, we created posters to display the bible quotations. Then we thought about what we would want to pray for when praying for the world, and in our groups, we chose the following: 
  • Generosity                   
  • Love and acceptance               
  • Charity                         
  • Happiness 
  • Peace                                       
  • Creativity                                 
  • Kindness  
We also wrote our own prayers.